Javier Adrogué César Petrino

He was born in Buenos Aires on April 4, 1966. He graduated from UBA [University of Buenos Aires] in 1990 as an attorney and paralegal. He holds a Masters Degree in Corporate Law from the Universidad Austral (1995). He is married and has two children.

Practice Areas
Attorney specialized in Labor and Social Security Law, with a vast experience in corporate counseling. He has developed his professional experience assisting corporations on preventive counseling and on the resolution of individual and collective conflicts in all of their stages, with a special participation in highly complex issues. He has also had an active participation in collective negotiations, area in which he has elaborated a varied range of collective bargaining agreements of different levels (activity, business groups and corporations). He has also taken part in their negotiation as a corporate representative or advisor. Languages: English.

Professional Experience
He took his first steps into the practice of law at the Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones del Trabajo de la Capital Federal (1987-1989) [Nacional Court of Appeals on Labor Matters] and the Cámara Federal de Apelaciones de la Seguridad Social (1989-1990) [Federal Court of Appeals on Social Security Matters]. From 1990 and until “Adrogué,Marqués, Zabala & Asociados” was formed he worked in the private sector as an in-house attorney and partner in a law firm specialized in labor law.

General Activities
He has participated in the “Programa Nacional de Formación en Negociación Colectiva” [National Plan of Collective Negotiation Training] organized by the Ministry of Labor and the ILO in 1999. In the year 2002 he was invited by the United States Department of State to participate in the special professional program for Argentina called: “Empresas en Crisis: Prevención de conflictos y desarrollo de alternativas para el trabajo” [Corporate Crises: Conflict prevention and work alternatives] sponsored by the US International Visitors Program. He has been included in and acknowledged by specialized magazines for his quality counseling and high professionalism.

College Activities
He has taught classes as an Instructor of Labor Law, School of Business Sciences, UCA [Argentine Catholic University]; visiting professor of Corporation Law, at the Business Administration Masters, Di Tella University and Graduate Courses at Saint Andrew’s University. At present he teaches a course at the Labor Relations Masters, 3 de Febrero University. He has lectured a great number of training and specialization courses.

Among others, the following are mentioned: “El Empleador individual y las relaciones colectivas del Trabajo” [The individual employer and labor collective relations], in Revista Derecho del Trabajo, Publishing house: La Ley, year 1997; Chapter on collective negotiation in “La Reforma Laboral” [The Labor Reform], en AAVV, Abeledo Perrot, 1998; “La suspensión y la extinción de los convenios colectivos en la Ley 24.522” [Suspension and termination of collective bargaining agreements in Law # 24,522], in Revista Derecho del Trabajo, Publishing house: La Ley, year 1999; “La empresa y el derecho del trabajo” [Corporations and Labor Law], in AAVV, Derecho Económico Empresarial [Business Economy Law], Buenos Aires, Errepar, 2000; “El Procedimiento Preventivo de Crisis y los mecanismos complementarios” [Crisis Preventive Procedures and complementary mechanisms], in AAVV, Crisis en la Empresa: Procedimientos y medidas laborales Aplicables [Corporate crisis: applicable labor procedures and measures], Buenos Aires, Errepar, 2002; “Reflexiones sobre la jornada promedio” [Comments on the average working-hour period], Revista Derecho del Trabajo, Publishing house: Hamurabi, year 2006; “Impuesto a las Ganancias para trabajadores petroleros. Problemas que plantea la ley 26,176” [ Income Tax on oil workers. Problems posed by the Law 26,176], Revista Derecho del Trabajo, Publishing house: La Ley, year 2007.